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Founded in 2018. TopProz focused developed as a comprehensive SaaS platform that empowers field service providers to streamline their operations, allowing them to prioritize effective and efficient business management.


In our quest to address the myriad challenges facing our plumbing business, we sought a comprehensive software solution. A substantial portion of our revenue was funneled into advertising efforts that failed to attract high-value customers, while intense competition with other plumbing companies further strained our resources. The lack of organizational tools hindered our ability to manage inventory, track staff time, earnings, and commissions, leading to frequent missed calls and the subsequent loss of valuable clientele. Recognizing these challenges as widespread among field service professionals, we embarked on a journey to find a solution.

Our exploration involved engaging with various Field Service Management (FSM) platform providers and consulting fellow professionals to identify effective tools. It became evident that there was a significant gap in the market—a lack of a comprehensive and affordable software package tailored to enhance the operational efficiency of service-based businesses. This realization served as the impetus for the inception of TopProz.

TopProz is dedicated to simplifying the lives of service providers by offering a user-friendly application that streamlines their workflow, enhancing efficiency. Our primary objective is to empower service providers to focus on business growth without the need for exorbitant spending on complex software or ineffective advertising campaigns. TopProz stands as a valuable tool for businesses in the service industry, providing the support needed to thrive and succeed in their respective fields. With TopProz, we aim to revolutionize the way service providers manage their operations, fostering growth and success in a cost-effective and streamlined manner.


Our platform development team is composed of dedicated professionals committed to delivering optimal user experiences. Our UI/UX designers focus on intuitive and efficient interfaces. Front-end developers carefully create responsive and visually appealing user interfaces, while our backend and full-stack experts ensure a robust and scalable architecture. Our app developers emphasize portability and performance, ensuring our solutions are accessible across devices. Together, we prioritize excellence, coherence, and innovation in every endeavor. 🛠️🚀


As an emerging startup dedicated to industry-leading innovation, we prioritize integrating top-tier professionals into our team. We're in search of talented, self-motivated individuals who can elevate our mission. If you have the expertise and drive to excel in a dynamic environment, we invite you to explore opportunities with us. Click the button below to view our current openings and see if there's a fit for your skills.

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Unleashing Potential in Service-Tech Innovation, your gateway to the future of service-tech innovation. As a dynamic startup, we're redefining the landscape of customer-service professional connections through Leadgen and transforming field service management with our cutting-edge VanLynk platform. Our innovative solutions, Leadgen and VanLynk, represent the next wave in service technology, promising efficiency and user-centric experiences. With a vast market awaiting disruption, TopProz stands at the forefront of connecting customers with local service professionals. As a startup, our agility allows us to swiftly adapt to market trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Key Highlights:
- Visionary Leadership: Our leadership brings a fresh perspective, backed by a vision to carve a niche for TopProz in the competitive tech landscape.
- Startup Spirit: Fueled by innovation, creativity, and a startup spirit, we're poised for exponential growth.
Explore our contributions to the vibrant startup ecosystem, fostering collaboration, and staying ahead of industry trends.

For investor inquiries and additional information, reach out to our Investor Relations team at [email protected].

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