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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

Our Proz database and their profiles are openly accessible on our website. However, to directly connect with a specific Pro or to submit inquiries for a project to multiple Top-Rated Proz, registration is required on our platform.

Absolutely! The customer account is free for life, and you'll also enjoy complimentary access to our free Customer App.

Rest assured, your data is completely secure and visible only to verified Pros on our platform, only when you submit an inquiry.

Yes, to access your details, the Pro pays a nominal fee. This fee keeps the platform running and ensures you're connected with the right service professionals. Moreover, this fee is just a fraction of the cost of what other platforms and search engines charge. This enables the Pro to offer you exclusive deals and promos with their savings.

The customer app offers a range of convenient features. You can easily access your list of preferred service professionals in the My Pros section. Stay updated with invoices, make calls directly from the app with call recording functionality, view estimates, and efficiently manage your projects. Enjoy seamless invoice and document management, receive real-time updates, and explore a database of verified service professionals. Find the right person for the job, communicate effortlessly, and stay organized with the customer app.

Rest assured, your privacy and security are our top priorities. Our system safeguards your personal information by masking both your phone number and the service provider's number. Only the relevant professionals in your area receive your details, and that too only when they purchase the lead from our secure dashboard.

Leadgen Pro is a lead generation tool which is part of the TopProz ecosystem. It connects you with potential customers at 10% of the cost, offers efficient lead management, and helps you deliver excellent service, contributing to business growth.

Click the 'Be a Pro' CTA and easily register by providing your contact and business details through our simple registration wizard. Within 10 minutes, you'll have your account and gain access to high-quality leads. As a bonus, you'll also receive a free Vanlynk account for life to manage your business efficiently.

Registration for Leadgen Pro is completely free. Upon signing up, you'll receive a complimentary public profile where you can showcase your services and create promotions. This profile will generate leads for you, which you can view on your dashboard. To access client details and connect with them, a nominal fee is required for each lead. View our flexible plans and pricing here.

Ans. A Leadgen Pro account offers an array of powerful features to elevate your business. Benefit from a free verified public profile, saving costs on website development. Create customized promotions and engage with your customers effectively. Utilize the highly customizable service map and QR stickers to target customers in your area. Enjoy the convenience of a free Vanlynk account for life, providing seamless service management. Convert high-quality leads into customers as you go, without any upfront payment. Experience the flexibility to pay as you grow.

Absolutely! Once registered, you can easily create, update, and manage your profile to showcase your services.

VanLynk is a one-stop solution, equipped with all the essential tools to effectively scale, manage, and take total control of your service business. We offer one free license with your Leadgen Pro account. You can always choose to purchase more licenses by upgrading to Vanlynk Pro. This will help you manage your entire workforce on the go.

Based on the information provided by you, our system matches you to the most qualified and relevant Pro for the job. If the Pro chooses to pursue it further, then you will receive leads via SMS, emails and notifications on both the app and web portal, ensuring prompt and efficient communication.

Yes, Leadgen Pro masks customer and service provider phone numbers for privacy and security purposes.

Yes, you can access all job-related documents such as estimates, invoices, payments, photos, and more.

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